I can never tell where these posts are going to take me! Back to the doctor....
So then Dr. White says he has to check the girls and her southern sisters. Yay.(again with the sarcasm) He is soooo sweet though. Dr. White is a non threatening, kinda dorky, but nice, guy. I like him alot - he's been an OBGYN for 15+ years . But he's really apologetic about having to ummm, check under the hood, so to speak. It's HIS JOB . I mean at least you should own it. He's a little overly apologetic, like it's the very LAST thing he wants to do - which I could understand - except he went to school for this. Anyway, he does what he needs to do, trying to be normal and asks about the kids being ready for Halloween etc. Which is just WEIRD.
After I leave the doctor's office and get in the car to leave my cell phone is chirping. there's a message. OH MY WORD. What if it was DH? What if he'd changed his mind. OH NO. I hadn't taken my cell phone in because the doctors office is in the hospital- which has huge NO CELL PHONE signs everywhere.
It wasn't hubby. It was Mama Bit. She wanted to come pick up a dresser I had promised her. So back to my house to unlock the door for her. I couldn't stay since I had to pick up the kids - and my friend and I had planned to take the kids to lunch and the pumpkin patch. SO did that. Went to get the kids.
Fast forward through lunch at out favorite pizza parlor, to the mall to pick out costumes for her 2 year old and her 7 year old. Then off to the pumpkin patch, from the back seat of the car the 7 year old pipes up - "MAMA!!! The Diva told Thing 1 the middle part of mating!" OH MY WORD.
back story - lately Thing 1 has been very interested in mating - my best friend also breeds Rag-doll cats, so mating is something that has been of interest recently.He asked he about mating just last week at the bookstore. She answered a little but then re-directed him when he asked about people. In fact on the WAY to their house that morning Thing 1 had informed me that grownups mate. Someone PLEASE gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon. I am NOT ready for this.
SO back to the car. So we ask the question. "WHAT exactly did you tell Thing 1?" And very matter of fatly informed us that she had told Thing 1 that you put the peni$ in the v&gin&. YES SHE DID. Remember those questions I mentioned - the reason I didn't want to take my kids to the doctor - THIS WAS ONE OF THEM!!! God has a sense of humor. ARGH!!!!! Fortunately that was the end of it. Thing 1 did not ask any more questions (although I am sure in the next few weeks I will be having THE TALK with him.)
Stop the world please. I would like to get off.
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